Analysing Earth using EinsteinPy!

Calculating the eccentricity and speed at apehelion of Earth’s orbit

Various parameters of Earth’s orbit considering Sun as schwarzschild body and solving geodesic equations are calculated

1. Defining the initial parameters

from astropy import units as u
import numpy as np
from einsteinpy.metric import Schwarzschild
from einsteinpy.coordinates import SphericalDifferential
# Define position and velocity vectors in spherical coordinates
# Earth is at perihelion
M = 1.989e30 *  # mass of sun
distance = 147.09e6 *
speed_at_perihelion = 30.29 * / u.s
omega = (u.rad * speed_at_perihelion) / distance

sph_obj = SphericalDifferential(distance, np.pi / 2 * u.rad, np.pi * u.rad,
                               0 * / u.s, 0 * u.rad / u.s, omega)
  • Defining \(\lambda\) (or \(\tau\)) for which to calculate trajectory

    • \(\lambda\) is proper time and is approximately equal to coordinate time in non-relativistic limits

# Set lambda to complete an year.
# Lambda is always specified in secs
end_lambda = ((1 * u.year).to(u.s)).value
# Choosing stepsize for ODE solver to be 5 minutes
stepsize = ((5 * u.min).to(u.s)).value

2. Making a class instance to get the trajectory in cartesian coordinates

obj = Schwarzschild.from_coords(sph_obj, M)
ans = obj.calculate_trajectory(
    end_lambda=end_lambda, OdeMethodKwargs={"stepsize": stepsize}, return_cartesian=True
  • Return value is a tuple consisting of 2 numpy array

    • First one contains list of \(\lambda\)

    • Seconds is array of shape (n,8) where each component is:

    • t - coordinate time

    • x - position in m

    • y - position in m

    • z - position in m

    • dt/d\(\lambda\)

    • dx/d\(\lambda\)

    • dy/d\(\lambda\)

    • dz/d\(\lambda\)

ans[0].shape, ans[1].shape
((13150,), (13150, 8))

Calculating distance at aphelion

  • Should be 152.10 million km

r = np.sqrt(np.square(ans[1][:, 1]) + np.square(ans[1][:, 2]))
i = np.argmax(r)
(r[i] * u.m).to(
$1.5204947 \times 10^{8} \; \mathrm{km}$

Speed at aphelion should be 29.29 km/s and should be along y-axis

((ans[1][i][6]) * u.m / u.s).to( / u.s)
$29.302016 \; \mathrm{\frac{km}{s}}$

Calculating the eccentricity

  • Should be 0.0167

xlist, ylist = ans[1][:, 1], ans[1][:, 2]
i = np.argmax(ylist)
x, y = xlist[i], ylist[i]
eccentricity = x / (np.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2))

Plotting the trajectory with time

from einsteinpy.bodies import Body
from einsteinpy.geodesic import Geodesic
Sun = Body(name="Sun", mass=M, parent=None)
Object = Body(name="Earth", differential=sph_obj, parent=Sun)
geodesic = Geodesic(body=Object, time=0 * u.s, end_lambda=end_lambda, step_size=stepsize)
from einsteinpy.plotting import GeodesicPlotter
sgp = GeodesicPlotter()

All data regarding earth’s orbit is taken from